Acquainted With Jesus

Sometimes, the times you are least ceremonious, the times you come to God ugly crying or confused or just feeling gross, you see God in a whole new light.

You become acquainted with how your imperfections can’t possibly wedge a single inch between you and Jesus.

What do You Want to be Remembered By?

I want people—my teachers, my coaches, my teammates and classmates, my friends and little siblings at LuHi this year—to remember me for being close to Jesus. Not for being a good writer, a good athlete or a good artist or whatever.

When they think of me, I want them to think of Jesus. That is my greatest goal.

Jesus Takes Care of Me

Have you ever stopped and realized that if the God of the universe loved you so much he died for you, he probably cares about your day to day life just as much?

A Good Report

I will choose to report on God’s faithfulness, not his apparent yet none-existent shortcomings.
I want to be like Caleb and Joshua, who brought back a good report of Canaan and believed their God would remain faithful to his promises.


“While the devil is prevailing, His roots are unfailing. So root yourselves in Christ as you head into 2021, and humble yourselves before the God who prevails regardless of the circumstances.” ~ From a youth group lesson I’ve been working on:-)

In These Unknowns

We are children of God. God knows we can’t have everything figured out. God knows we get scared sometimes. God knows we are utterly helpless without him. So lean into that identity, the identity of a child, and let your life be guided by childlike trust, humility, wonder, and joy.

A Christian Response to Covid

This is what I’ve had to remind myself the last year: I am first a citizen of heaven, and secondly a citizen of the United States. Secondly. That does not mean I completely reject everything my government tells me to do. But when it comes into conflict with my faith, I will always choose to obey God over my government.

I Finished!

Eight days ago, I finished writing the Far Below Human Eyes series. I wrote the last word in the fifth book (yes, there are five), closed my computer, and cried. Then I wrote THIS.

Enough-ness in Your Season

I think it’s normal to wish you were dating someone when you’re single, and I’ve had that feeling before, but that’s not necessarily what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the longing to share Christmas with the one, my future husband, wishing I could meet him sooner. And if you feel the same, I want to encourage you this morning.