How God is Working in my Youth Group

You’d think God wouldn’t pay much attention to a small youth group on the edge of a country town, full of middle schoolers.

But not so;)

What I Learned From My Principal

I’m really nervous about graduating. But my principal taught me something that will stick with me over the next six weeks—and the rest of my life.

For the Overwhelmed:

I’m learning: even if I cause the greatest disappointment, God won’t stop loving me. I’m learning mistakes show how much I need Christ, not how much I need to fix. And I’m learning that Christ already fixed it for me.

How to Rest Well

Whether you’re stuck inside waiting out the storm or off somewhere hot and sunny, learn how to rest well this weekend—starting with the very foundation of rest in Christ.

Something Cool Happened This Week…

I was so touched by the picture, I nearly started crying. God reminded me of the “why” behind all the hard work that night. The reason I do any of it in the first place.

The Freedom of Speech

Yes, the constitution grants freedom of speech. Yes, with a few exceptions, you can say whatever you want. But the constitution is not our ultimate authority. God’s word is.

In Seasons of Waiting

Maybe you’re waiting for the right person to marry. Maybe you’re waiting for kids. Maybe you’re waiting for peace, or the world to go back to normal. Maybe you’re waiting for a house or healing or someone to recognize all your hard work. Here’s what the Bible says we should do when we wait.

Single but not Alone

Singleness isn’t a disease to be cured. It’s a season to be experienced. Here’s what I’ve struggled with being single, and here’s what God says…