The World is Watching

If you supported Trump, this week is hard. Saturday was hard. Each day that goes by without justice is hard. But remember: your reaction to this hardship is what everyone is watching. And since everyone is already paying attention, show them Jesus.

Loneliness & Community

We are not created to charge life alone. We are not created to decide what we think the Bible means with our single, flawed perspective. This is a lesson I’ve learned the hard way.

Who is the Gospel For?

If you grew up in church, you had it memorized before you turned seven. If you didn’t, you are still likely quite familiar with the message. But is the gospel only for those who haven’t yet heard the good news?

I Have THIS Hope

Is anyone else afraid that school will shut down again?
Despite the terrifying possibility, I have THIS hope…

But God

We live in challenging times. I wrote this journal entry not long ago, and I am still challenged to this day. It is difficult realizing YOU were made for such a time, a time of chaos and deception and havoc.
But God knows what he’s doing.

She Laughs

Have hope, beloved. Because all the things you wish you could change are temporary. But your king, Jesus Christ, who loves you more than you can imagine, is forever.

Road Map

Sometimes I am excited about where I am heading. Other days, I’m not so sure.
But in this wild unknown, I embrace my cartographer, my artist, my author—Jesus Christ.